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This is a free Spanglefish 2 website.

We'd be delighted to hear from you on any topic or any area where we can be of assistance. We promise a prompt reply.  Rest assured that any information you give us will only be used by the Choir and not passed on to any outside person or organisation.  Please complete the section below, make sure you enter a telephone number or email address - preferably both - otherwise we won't be able to respond!

Other means of making contact with the Choir:
Secretary: Mr Archie Lang (temp)
Telephone: 01555 664942 / 07495105975
Address: 6 Denniston Place, Lanark, Lanarkshire, ML11 7ED

The information you enter will be emailed to us and not stored on the server.

- why?Unfortunately we have to do this to prevent the system being swamped by automated spam

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The information you enter will be emailed to us and not stored on the server. Privacy policy.

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